CL40 Vegetable Preparation Machine

    • £1,765.63 for 1

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This space saving and compact table-top CL40 Vegetable Preparation Machine, from Robot Coupe, is designed for a wide range of cut. The lid and bowl are made from composite material are easily detachable and there is a comprehensive range of discs allowing you to perform all the fruit and vegetable processing tasks you could possibly want - including slicing, ripple-cutting, grating, dicing, cutting into ribbons or matchsticks or making french fries. 

  • Large hopper (104 cm2) for large vegetable processing and round feed hopper (Ø 58 mm) designed for long and fragile products
  • Operating time: up to 80 kg/h. • Processing time: up to 3 kg/mn. • 1 speed: 500 Rpm.
  • Ideal for Restaurants, Bars, akeaway outlets and Sandwich bars – perfect for even the tiniest of kitchens.

Tags: robot coupe, vegetable preparation machines