Reload No.9 Bathroom Cleaner Concentrate

    • £27.73 for 1

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This 2 litre highly fragranced, deep blue liquid is developed for use around washroom areas. This multi-purpose detergent can be used on sinks, floors, and toilets, leaving surfaces clean and sparkling with a fresh and fragrant smell. Product is based on a blend of acid, surfactants, solvents, fragrance and watersoluble dyes.

Features include:

  • Economical dilution rates.
  • Deodorises and degreases in one.
  • Removes body fats and limescale.
  • Leaves room smelling clean and fresh.
  • Removes the most stubborn soils found in washrooms such as soap scum.
  • Kills odour producing bacteria eliminating the source of malodours.
  • Not suitable for use on chrome/brass plated fittings unless thoroughly rinsed with clean water.
  • All surfactants used are biodegradable and phosphate free.

Supplier code REAQUABATH. Follow supplier instructions for use.

Tags: kitchenmaster